Photo Mosaic Prints

Put all of your most precious moments in sight with a photo mosaic

Make a picture mosaic from pictures and hang on your wall

We create custom picture mosaic wall art using your favorite digital images and photos. Beautiful, large image prints composed of small, tiled images (we suggest using 20+). Our photo mosaic tiles are randomized to avoid pattern recognition. We then digitally adjust the feature photo until it becomes easily recognizable. Pet Dog Pictures Crafted into Memorial Print

Simply send your pictures and our graphic design experts will create a stunning personalized photo mosaic collage wall art print to hang on any wall. When printed and in a picture frame, photo mosaics are absolutely beautiful works-of-art home décor furnishings. They become an instant conversation piece and a creative way to display hundreds of personal pictures in a modern style.

Our personalized mosaic prints a.k.a. photo montages are truly unique and also quite affordable. They are thoughtful personalized gift ideas for friends, family, birthday present or special anniversary gift.

Did You Know?

The best mosaics are made with closeup photos of individual faces or objects. Bare in mind when choosing your “mini” pics are the size of your thumb nail. This will make it difficult to see much detail.

Why our Photo Mosaics are the Best

Our collage artwork is created to be personalized, timeless pieces of art. Printed on the highest quality material with UV-resistant inks to make certain it can be treasured forever. Our team takes is adjusted to match, as close as possible, in order to put the focus on what is most important. This way you are able to collectively enjoy viewing your photos all together. Fantastic gifts for loved ones.

Trust us with your favorite memories. We specialize in making personalized photo-montage poster prints and have been proudly doing so since 2001. ProCollage® will send you a digital proof via email before we print anything insuring you are 100% satisfied with your project.


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Photo Mosaic Prints Gallery

A mixed collection of favorite and recent picture mosaics. Bring your life back into your life. Let us make a custom mosaic- for you today.

Anniversary present to celebrate 55 years of marriage
NFL logo photo mosaic for NFL agent
Anniversary mosaics put all your years together in one piece of art
Digital photo mosaic 13th birthday Bar Mitzvah gift
Photo mosaic gift idea for Mommy using baby pictures
Cute baby pictures made into a photo mosaic print
Romantic gift ideas for Valentine's Day for boyfriends and girlfriends
Photo mosaic of flower photography
Corporate mosaic featuring company logo and employee photos
60″x36″ corporate picture mosaic for Quinnox using logo containing more than 200 pics
Large photo mosaic painting art for Father's Day gift
Valentine's picture gift for him
CD album photo mosaic design for rapper Renegade El Rey
UFC DVD covers photo mosaic framed print
Gifts for girlfriends, boyfriends using romantic vacation pictures

Real Customer Reviews

Clients old and new rave about our wonderful customer service and the quality of our work. Here are three random reviews. For more, see our client testimonials page.

Sharon Doty
Abilene, TX | 11/2018

I think it is wonderful! So many great memories and loved people in it. I will treasure it always as will my children and grandchildren. What a marvelous way to display old beloved photos. You may feature it on your site as you choose. I would like to be notified when you do so I can see it. Very much looking forward to hanging the picture in my home. As you might guess, I am the little girl in several of those photos. Thanks so much.

Kelly Joiner
Oak Forest, IL | 03/2016

Trisha, Thank you again for all your help, all the time you put in, dealing with me (weekends,night,mornings). I will make it up to you, I am 100% sure you will be getting other orders when my family see it. Please thank the artist for me. Talk to you soon..Happy Easter to all of you at ProCollage and your family....Thank you!

Lisa Bell
Denver, CO | 12/2012

They both absolutely adored the Photohol (a.k.a. pop art print) so much. My son went wild! My husband was on the brink of tears. He had it hung in the family room not more than an hour after he opened it! Thank you so much for this priceless pop-art piece!

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Professional Photo Collages | ProCollage® makes amazing photo mosaic art prints for any occasion.

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