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Taking a Closer Look

And making pictures into custom works-of-art

The beauty is in the details! At ProCollage® it’s our signature and all we know how to do. Free photo restoration plus UV-resistant inks to the photo-realistic material all of our collages are printed on. Unparalled service. Unmatched quality. And a final product that is guaranteed to become a cherished treasure.

Creative wedding photo gifts for parents anniversaries

Click and drag on image above to see attention to detail only ProCollage can deliver

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It’s Very Easy to Get Started

We look forward to working with you to create the perfect gift for them or a work-of-art for yourself. Follow these steps and let’s do this!

1. Upload/Send Photos

Use our online file uploader or share them via Google Drive or a Dropbox link. If mailing original photos click here.

2. Complete the Form

Fill out the inquiry form and choose your design style. Fill it out as best you can. We can then assist you with the items you are unsure of.

3. Get an Estimate

Use our online estimator for an estimated price. We will contact you at this point to review your potential order and discuss the details with you.

4. Make Deposit

We ask for a (roughly) 50% deposit on the collage. Once received, we can begin working on your order.

5. Receive a Proof

We will send you a proof via email for you to review. Upon approval, we can then work out shipping and printing options for the remaining balance total.

6. Prepare to Smile

Once final balance is paid your collage is set to print and ship the next day! We’ll also send the high resolution file if you opted for it.

Customer Testimonials

See what others are saying about us. We have many more client testimonials. Order your photo collage art. You’ll be glad you did, guaranteed.

50th Anniversary

16″ x 20″ with 48 Pics

Thank you so much! We absolutely love it. I have had a very pleasant experience working with your company thus far, and appreciate the professional and efficient manner in which you are handling the last minute rush. You all have been wonderful! I appreciate your efforts to rush it to me, I know that took great effort! I love the collage!!!

Desiree R. from Houston, TX Blend Anniversary

Wedding Day Pictures

16″ x 20″ with 110 Pics

Just wanted you to know I received the collage today & it is wonderful!!! Absolutely perfect! Thank you so much again for everything - probably the best Christmas gift I’ve ever given! Can't wait to see their faces light up! Thank you again!

Follow up: I wanted to tell you that my brother & his wife not only LOVED the collage but they would be delighted to have you use it for the website!

Liz Papas from Cincinnati, OH Mosaic Anniversary
There is so much more to see!